28 April 2019

A bet is a bet

Jeff is a huge hockey fan.  He loves play off hockey.  

I couldn't care less.  So since our household was about to be inundated with playoff hockey, I decided to make it interesting.  

"So how about we all pick a team?  Winner gets to pick a restaurant?"


The kids were super excited!

Dylan chose Bruins, Eva chose Predators,  I chose Penguins, Jeff chose Tampa- the reigning champions of regular season.

Jeff didn't win one game.  Eliminated.  Eva and I slowly were eliminated.

Dylan moved on!  Round one!

Dylan chose Rainforest Cafe!

Second round.  Eva chose Hurricanes, I chose Blues, Dylan chose Islanders, Jeff chose Sharks.

Poor Eva was eliminated.  Then Dylan.

Jeff and I moved on to the third round.

Eventually, I won, and the Blues moved on to become the Stanley Cup champions.  

Yeah for me!  I won the Fantasy Football and the Stanley Cup Champions in the same year!

We went for Indian food.  It was delicious!

1 comment:

  1. How dare you, me and Dylan were against each other with our teams in the second round and I beat him out but then, when he was out I got to play another team and I lost so obviously!! he went out first how dare you get that mixed up I was so proud of myself for beating my brother... Love Eva
