11 May 2019

The Last Run

Every year we do the Color Run at the Elementary School.  For better or worse....most years Dylan ends up crying or unable to participate.

This year I told the ninos,  its the last year.  It has RUN its course, ha ha!

It didn't get canceled...but it had rained all morning.  Which that left us with super saturated grounds! Fun!  No one told me we were combining the Color Run with the Dirty girl....

As we arrived, I found a woman who lodged her car into a muddy rut.  No one was helping her!  So I sent Dyleva along to the playground, and I went over to help her.  As I did, several men also joined in.  We were successful into pushing her out, but only for her to get stuck in another...bummer.

Then I found Dyleva.  We somehow all managed to get covered in mud in the first five minutes.  But then the fun began.  It was a lot of work running in sticky mud!  I tried to keep up with them, but then just settled into role of photographer.

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