28 June 2018

Up in the Air

So busy.

Between Titi and I, three of the four nino's birthdays fall within a month of each other.  But this year we were hit or miss.  

So I called her and said let's do something, altogether.  She suggested the airshow.


Then come the instructions.  Meet at a parking lot at 8:30 AM.


I mean, I wanted to hang out and stuff but the lot was 45 minutes away.  I would have to get Dyleva up early on purpose.  

When did I become such a whiner?

So we did.  We got up at the crack of dawn, got the kids ready, and trekked out to the Summit Mall to meet the shuttle bus for the airshow.

Thank goodness Tiney and Eric knew what they were doing.  We hopped right on a bus to the Air Force Base, and made it to the air show early.  The bus dropped us about  a half mile away from the security checkpoint.  There was no line for security, we were in by 9:30.  

I am going to jump ahead to when we left around 2 PM.

The line for security was passed the shuttle drop off!! There were people waiting in line for almost a mile long.  No joke.  And the show ended at 5 PM.  

Thank you again Titi and Eric for having all your marbles together and getting our stubborn butts their early.

I loved it!  I don't know if Dyleva did; they were a little cranky, but I found it fascinating.
Titi moseying past hot paratroopers...coincidence?

Strong Eva

First we toured a couple of the aircraft.  Eva and Dylan got to sit in the cockpit.  I take for granted that not many people have seen the inside of one.  

Next, we found a good spot in the sun, sat back, and looked to the sky.

Watch out sea gull!

The show began with paratroopers jumping out with the American and Canadian flags during the national anthems.

Very impressive.

After that there were many featured aircraft doing different amazing scary stunts!

They also had a hovercraft, the Osprey.  I think it is so fascinating.

We ended with the small planes that make pictures (like a heart) in the sky.  Like eight of them fly at once, right next to each other.

I loved it.  Thanks again Titi and Eric.

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