07 July 2014

Lemon Lessons and the Number 30

"Mommy, we want to make pink lemonade.  It has to be pink."  We had a full supply of lemons and limes from that mornings trek to the grocery store, so we all started squeezing.  It took quite a while, but we finished sticky and full of pulp.  We even stopped to plant a few lemon seeds that we found.  All was going very well until we brought it the house to finish.  I added the magic ingredient to make it pink.  Then Dyleva started to fight over....who would add the water...who would add the sugar...who would add the ice...WHO GETS TO HELP MOMMY MAKE DINNER! I calmly settled each battle as it came, very fair and diplomatic.    

But then Eva was blocking my cupboard ("Just one more minute Mommy..") and refused to move.  Dylan spilled his full glass of sticky pink lemonade all over the floor and started to wail. "Mommy, we don't cry over spilled limonada, right?"
Mommy kind of freaked out.  "Out!  Both of you outside until dinner is ready."

Not two minutes later Eva came to the door, screaming that Dylan had her whistle (yes the same one) and he wouldn't give it back and so on.  I was done, and determined not to put this fire out And to get dinner actually cooked.  "Eva!  Work it out!"

About 10 minutes later, dinner was well on its way, but their was silence in the backyard.  I went out to make sure they were both still breathing, and found them sitting on the bench together, cracking up.  Their solution to the whistle dilemma?  

They put it on Mimi, around his neck!  Crazy ninos!

Earlier that day we were working on the number 30.  Tia Jenna turned 30 and we were making her a card with 30 cereals glued to it.  Eva (in Spanish) counted to 30 kind of: "27, 28, 29, 100!"  Dylan counted to 11, so we did it 3 times.  Then he glued all his cereal in lines. 
Happy Birthday Tia Jenna!  

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