14 July 2014

Dinosaur Bones and a Dam

Driving to the science museum, I hear Eva tell Dylan, "You know Dylan, there aren't going to be real dinosaurs there."
Dylan just nodded but I bit, "How do you know that Eva?"

"Well, because there is just bones.  Because the hombres just dig, and dig, and dig, and dig and they got all the dinosaur bones and then they put them together like a puzzle.  And then they bring them here, to the museo, and put that thing around it and keep it safe so everyone can see it."

Hmmmm.  So just wondering..."But Eva, how do you know he won't see any real dinosaurs?"

"I can't tell you Mommy."

"What? Why not?"  I asked, very puzzled.

"Because I'm not allowed to say it."

Totally confused, I respond, "Just tell me, its okay, I won't be angry."

"Because they DIED Mommy!  It was a long time ago and now they are dead!"

Meanwhile, searching my recollection for when I told her it was not okay to say 'dead'....(It is likely and possible...)

After dinosaur bones, we explored my favorite part- the Exploration room!

Eva and I got to work on building a dam.  It was quite challenging because the pressure of the water kept moving her blocks of wood away.  

Her initial strategy of just piling the wooden bricks didn't work.  Eventually, she turned them the long way so the resistance had less surface area and she piled the beanbags on top and it worked! But she had to use every single brick of madera.

We didn't have nearly enough time to explore everything the ninos wanted to see, so we will be back soon!

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