18 July 2014

Booby Traps

So the other day, we were playing in the yard, and Dylan was quite busy working on something behind our hot tub. Eventually, he comes to me sooo excited, and brings me over to show me what he has done.

"Look Mommy!  A booby trap for Daddy!"

I look inside the well that hides the hose, and sure enough, the hose is pointed upward and bubbling out at me!

He was so incredibly proud of what he figured out that it took some real convincing to let me shut the water off. 
(Read: temper tantrum) 

So who knows if it was Goonies, or Jake the Neverland Pirates, or the fact that April Fools Day went over famously this year in our house, but it has led to booby trap inspiration in both of my children.  

We spent an hour setting up booby-traps for Jeff when he comes home from work today.


#1 Eva's idea
A noise maker hanging from the arch of a tree with a counterweight to drop and scare Daddy.

#2 Dylan's idea
Marley's squeaker toy hidden in the grass, so when he steps on it, it scares him.  

#3 Dylan's idea
Disguise the hose with branches, and as Daddy walks by, it sprays him.

#4 Eva's idea
On the top of the swing set there are two full buckets of water.    They will tell Daddy to look at something in the sandbox and WHOOSH!!!
#5 Mommy's idea
A dollar bill on a string.

#5.5 Eva's idea 
Two ice cream cones on a string.

¡Niños locos!

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