01 June 2017

Ocho anos.

On Monday, I said to Eva.  "Hey, do you know what I was doing eight years ago?  I was in labor. Intermittent painful labor for 12 hours. "

She did not think that was funny.

And on Tuesday, when we woke up, I said, "Hey Eva, do you know what I was doing eight years ago today?  I was in labor. Intermittent painful labor for another 12 hours. "

She was getting cranky.

And of course on Wednesday, day three, I said to her, "Hey Eva...."

"No!  Mommy!  I don't want to hear that!"

"Hard labor...squatting...hospital...Tia Mandy" I continued

She was very angry for some bizarre reason.  Jeez.  You would think she was the one that labored for four days!

Anyway, three hours into the fourth and final day, Eva Magnolia Wagner was born on June 1 at 3:12 AM.  She was the first baby of the month at Children's Hospital.  They rang the bells.  It was an amazing memory.  I felt complete.


And now, eight years later, my baby is so big.  

Today, she actually picked up her dirty clothes off of the floor and put them in with the dirty laundry!  It only took eight years!

Eva began the celebration of her birth week with bizcocho for her classmates.  We continued with an annual dinner at her favorite, the Melting Pot.  It was actually fantastic.  We had a great waiter.

Her day continued with visitors, and phone calls, and presents.

And this was only day one.  

I cannot believe in double the time, she will be sixteen.

I really wish some scientist could create a 'FREEZE' button.

Midnight-Just turning eight

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