12 December 2015

The trip for gingerbread from hell

On the way home one day, I asked Dyleva if they wanted to stop and buy our annual gingerbread houses. 

We are so crazy...walking into a Wegmans with two children at 5PM on a weekday. 

Dyleva chose their houses quickly....we got into line to checkout...we waited our turn....and just as we began to check out, Dylan looks at me.

"Mommy, I REALLY have to go.  I can't wait."

Uh oh.

We were in view of the bathroom, so I said, "Eva, look at that sign, can you take your brother to the bathroom?"

She was on the job.

So I finish checking out, and head toward the bathroom.

I get there, and there is Dyleva staring at me. 

"What are you doing? He has to go!"

Eva gestures and the ladies bathroom is closed.  

Apparently some 14 year old kid has decided to clean the ladies room at 5PM on a weekday.


I ushered her with Dylan into the men's room while I waited outside before he had an accident on the floor. 

And I waited.  And waited.

People have been pushing past me going in and going out. 

Meanwhile, the fourteen year old has exited the ladies room and now is waiting with me, to enter the men's room for cleaning. 
He is unable to enter with children inside.  So we become best buddies, hanging in a hallway together. 

Eventually, I open the door, and yell in, "Are you guys okay?"

"Mommy, Dylan has to go caca!"

Enough said. 

Ten minutes later.


"Mommy, Dylan had to go caca, and now I have to go caca!"


Meanwhile, some guy comes out and tells me they are in there discussing  ninja turtles and violence.

I swear to god I was outside that bathroom for at least 40 minutes hanging with the fourteen year-old.

When they eventually emerged, we left.

Rush hour traffic.  It took us 20 minutes to go 2 miles.

What a disaster. 

But check out the results.

"Frozen" gingerbread house

Ninja Turtle sewer gingerbread house

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