That had to be it.
Even after the unfortunate sickness that fell upon our household just before Christmas, it did not ruin the actual day.
So Christmas morning, we finished opening presents, and sat down for breakfast.
Dylan looks out the window, and says, "Mommy, what's that?"
We look and there is a large sheet of wrapping paper hanging off our roof.
I blamed Jeff. "Oh, I'm sure it's something your Daddy left out."
"I didn't do that!" he defended.
Eva, always curious, investigated a little further.
"Mommy! There is a hat hanging up there too!"

Dylan went out to shoot his eye out, with his new bow and arrow, while the rest of us stared at the roof.
Jeff climbed up there, he found paper, a hat, bells, and string.
There was also a big dent in the gutter!
Apparently, Santa crash landed onto our roof last night, and left some evidence behind in the dark.
It had to be too much eggnog.
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