04 December 2015

Christmas season!

Fire truck parade
"Eva, you realize if you rip all the chains off your Christmas cadena, it does not make Christmas come any quicker."

"Whatever Mommy."

We have decidedthat we like the Christmas season more than the actual Christmas day.  (We meaning pretty much me.)

"Dylan, you realize even if you eat all of your gingerbread house, it does not make Christmas come any quicker."

"Uh huh."

Not being especially religious, we partake in many of the holiday activities to heighten our Christmas spirit. 

At the Nutcracker

I don't know how long it lasts, but Jeff and I want to make it as magical as possible for them while they are young, while they still believe and get excited about everything!

It is so much fun to watch the delight and amazement in their faces. 

Last night we watched the Polar Express while we snuggled by the fire and drank hot cocoa.  They were so engrossed in the movie it was fun to watch there expressions.

Doodlebug Performance
We just finished our Christmas cards.  Eva was in charge of putting the stamp on each card, and Dylan sealed the back of each one. 

Last week we went to get our Christmas tree and decorate it.  Dyleva played hide and seek again running around and dodging trees.  Yes, they really love us there. 

We actually saw Santa while we were there.  We were sitting outside on the steps and Jeff was paying for the tree.  He came walking up to us out of the parking lot.  We could not figure out where he parked the sleigh!

Oh it was so much fun decorating with our 200 ornaments.  All we heard was: "I want to put that one on!  I had that one first!"

This year we actually strung cranberries as well.  But we have not gotten to the popcorn yet.

Last week we also went to see the Nutcracker.  It was amazing, it was a children's performance.  We got all 
Viewing of "Home Alone"
dressed up for our night out.  Again, the kids were dazzled by all the effects and decorations and beautiful music.  It was a two and a half hour performance though....they were exhausted and a little antsy by the end.

Going carolling

Dylan's Captain America doughnuts

Marley and his new baby

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