Today as we celebrated Tio Dan's 50th birthday, Dyleva spent most of the day in the pool.
They played for a while, but the highlight came when about 7 high school kids jumped in the pool. They started to créate a Whirlpool by all moving around the circular pool in the same direction. Dylan and Eva stared from the deck in fascination. Eventually, they became brave and curious enough to jump in.
Clearly, the Whirlpool pulled them to the center. They paddled and paddled their way back to the ladder. No luck. I watched and let them experiment with the current, but they couldn't make it on their own.
I eventually stuck out a noodle, and one of the nice niños pulled them to safety. They got out, a Little scared, and continued to watch the big niños.
The debriefing came later.
Dylan said, "Mommy, in the Whirlpool we were stuck and couldn't get out. But mommy, you didn't really save the day, the big niño saved the day." Thanks Dyl.
"Was it scary?" "A Little."
Eva was more interested in the scientific aspect.
"Mommy, if we were bigger, would be have been pulled in the middle?"
"What if we jumped in by the ladder? Then what would happen?"
"What if it were just me and Dylan, would it still work?"
"Mommy, there were 7 niños, what if there was only 4, would it still be a Whirlpool?"
"What if we wanted to swim the other way?
One very cool science experiment.
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