23 July 2015


Recently, we were brave enough to take Dyleva camping.  Real Camping.  Well, kind of.

We were in a tent, but at Jellystone.  Not exactly the wilderness....baby steps!

One of the highlights of our camping trip was Dyleva's first authentic fishing experience.

I think it sounded a lot more exciting ahead of time for them.

I was excited.  I think it is peaceful and relaxing.  Well, except the fish probably does not think so. 

Jeff began by explaining to the niños how to attach the bobber, the weight, and of course the bait.

Piercing the worm was somewhat of a scarring experience for my children. 

And then of coure, casting.

For the record, I still cannot cast, let alone a five-year old.  It definitely takes a technique that I do not posess. 

Dylan looked to me, after his line was out, dead serious, "Mommy, I hope the worm is okay."  Aww.

Eva's reel broke within five minutes, so she ended up using Jeff's real pole. 

She, on the other hand, was less concerned about the worm.  "I hope I get a pretty fishy."

I was petrified one of the niños were going to pierce each other with the hook. 

After about 15 minutes of casting, and slowly reeling in, we were down about two worms, and a lot of patience. 
They were hungry. 
"Mom, can we have something to eat?"

They were thirsty.  "Moooommmm, can we have some wáter?"

I'm sorry, did I say fishing was a peaceful and relaxing experience?

At one point, Dyleva was up eating snacks, and I was holding a pole, and I looked over at Jeff, who was casting his Dora pole in the most masculine way posible. 

Jeff fishing with the Dora pole

(Clearly, I took a photo and sent it to all his friends.)

The outing ended in success.  Jeff caught a fish on "Eva's" pole.  Check out this catch!

No one is going hungry tonight! 

Our big catch!!!

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