19 July 2015

Dylanisms 2

My little man says the cutest things.  I can't keep a serious face at times when he is speaking, and so adament.  

The other day he came out, ready for our nature walk at the park.  "Look Mommy, I have my sky goggles.  I am ready to go."  I look up to see binoculars in hand.

"Dylan, you need to wait."

He looked at me and said, "Don't wait, Call 8."

"Mommy, Tia Lisa is going to spin tomorrow?"

"No, Dylan, what are you talking about?"

"She is getting married.  That is when you spin around."

"No honey, she doesn't spin."

He waited a second.  "Will Tio Rich spin then?"

"I don't think anyone will spin."

"Well, will there be cake?" he asked.


So I get Dylan dressed today.  We finish, and he looks at me,

like Duh.  And simply says, " A flannel?"

My bad.

So this morning I was saying goodbye to Dylan, gave him a kiss, and turned him toward the door. 

He turned and said to me, "Mommy, when you kiss me, I never wipe it off until it dries."

While on vacation, Dylan was under the weather.

He said to me, "Mommy, I don't feel good.  But I am not going to say anything because I don't want anyone to feel bad for me."

Putting his laundry down the chute.
"Mommy, I can reach on my tippie toes, but not on my real feet."


Today, we were hanging in the backyard on a beautiful day.
Dylan sits down in the Adirondack chair and says, "Mommy, I'm cozy.  I am in the sun, I have a bebida and an agua.  This is cool."

I don't like Transformers.  I told Dylan (after previewing it) that it was too violent.  We weren't going to watch it again.

After it ended, he came quietly into the kitchen and said, "Thank you Mommy.  I really enjoyed Transformers."

Really?  Now what do I do?

After watching his sister bop around like a crazy person, he looks at me and says, "Mommy, she is foolish."

I was tucking Dylan in one night and he said that we never sing songs anymore.  So I started going through my repertoire, and after I sang him the ABC's in Spanish, he started sobbing.

"OM goodness what is wrong?"  I asked

"It reminds me of the old days!" he sobbed.

My son is an old soul. 

So we were having a conversation about guns.  Dylan was asking me questions about guns.  I simply explained that we don't play with guns and that they can hurt people.

Dylan thought about it for a minute.  And then he asked me, "Mommy, what about a love gun?"

Gene Simmons would be so proud.

In the car one day, Dylan started asking me about the golden flag.  I had zero idea what he was talking about; I figured it was some kind of Willy Wonka reference.  

So I kind of humored him.  Asked him a couple of questions.  But he was adamant to talk about the golden flag.  I eventually said, "I don't know honey, where the golden flag is. ?!"  Some mother.

A day later, I heard him singing while he was playing, "You're a golden flag, you're a high flying flag, and forever in peace may you reign...."

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