I love
I don’t
want to say goodbye, because I don’t believe it is goodbye.
I know
that I will feel you in the breeze and see you in every flower
I will
think of you always
But especially
when I hear one of your favorite musicians
Watch one
of your favorite actors
hear anything political
find a
treasure in a thrift store
with my sisters
I also
want you to keep my kids in line
Give them
a push and guide them from the other side
On that note,
I wanted to say thank you
Thank you
for nursing me through the chicken pox
Thank you
for letting me take ballet
Thank you
for the beef stew and the fish sticks
Thank you
for having the strength to leave a harmful marriage
Thank you
for working a multitude of shitty jobs to support our family
Thank you
for letting me dance ballet in downtown Buffalo
Thank you
for making it so I could participate in the Nutcracker
Thank you
for buying me the really expensive sheiseido face cream that I needed
Thank you
for giving me my own room…twice actually
Thank you
for building me my own room
Thank you
for letting me come back home to live three times
Thank you
for letting me visit my friend in Ecuador when I was only 15
Thank you
for giving me my own phone
Thank you
for letting me have sleepovers
Thank you
for being a mother to Amy
Thank you
for throwing me a wedding and a baby shower
Thank you
for letting me run the Kirk Cameron Club and the 3 sexies
Thank you
for buying me a ghetto blaster
Thank you
for taking us to Lake Shannon to learn how to camp in the rain
Thank you
for trusting me
Thank you
for letting me and Tiney “go exploring”
Thank you
for dressing me the same as Justine, even though I hated it at the time
Thank you
for putting up with my Grandma O and her bullshit
Thank you
for not judging my friends
Thank you
for Fluffy
Thank you
for every item you ever bought, created, or gave with my children in mind
Thank you
for building and designing the most beautiful Victorian doll house ever
Thank you
for coming with me to New Orleans
Thank you
for coming with us to Salem and Boston
Thank you
for restoring my childhood doll house for Eva
Thank you
for letting me watch Flashdance and Footloose
Thank you
for researching our ancestry
Thank you for taking me to the library
Thank you for taking me to the library
Thank you
for sharing your rock collection with Dylan
Thank you
for accepting my friend in the middle of the night that ran away from her
Thank you
for keeping me away from Gary O
Thank you
for understanding my friendship with Sandy
Thank you
for having a kind heart and a listening ear with her mother
Thank you
for letting me go to AC/DC when I was only 14
Thank you
for all the care packages you sent me in Spain
Thank you
for letting me get a job at Panes at 15
Thank you
for putting us under the table at Aunt Linda’s house so we didn’t get stepped
Thank you
for believing I had the flu, all those times
Thank you
for caring for Steve’s parents
Thank you
for taking care of Steve
Thank you
for taking care of Grandma for all those years
Thank you
for letting us have Spanky
Thank you
for teaching me how to draw
Thank you
for being my Sunday school teacher
Thank you
for teaching me how to drive
I owe you
my strength
I get it
from you because you have persevered through everything
Your generosity
and thoughtfulness you have passed on to Justine
gets her independence, feistiness, assertiveness, and stubbornness from you
I see you
in Jenna
Vila. Putting up walls, Jenna climbs
You have
raised three intelligent, independent women
You are
leaving behind a legacy
Thank you
You are
an amazing woman
There are
no periods at the ends of these sentences because that would signify the end
This is
not the end; only a new chapter to explore
And thanks for being a good grandma.