26 March 2017

Skinks and Skaters

What a weekend we had!  Our Saturday started off with the best birthday party ever!

Dyleva's cousin Sammy was turning 4.  They had Nickel City Reptiles come to their house.  Jeff, the owner was most entertaining, for both children and adults.  He was fun and knowledgeable and had a ton of really cool animals.  https://plus.google.com/113530525965696642919/posts/dVuCpeLMa5R

He began with an  African millipede.  That was enough to make me squirm. 

Waiting in anxious anticipation!

Jeff moved on to a plethora of fascinating creatures: An African bushbaby, a gecko, a two-headed skink, a capuchin monkey, a lynx and......a 32 foot boa constrictor. 


Dylan, lovingly referred to as Chachi throughout the show, carried the bulk of the boa.  Cracking up the entire time.

Jeff (Dad, Jeff) was not laughing. 


The next day, we went to support our cousin Bryan in SABAH.  We go every year, and look forward to it.  Dyleva loves seeing their cousins, skating down on the Sabre's ice. 

We had fun watching the skaters and dancing to the music! 

Another favorite thing Dyleva does it run around the stadium, in a complete circle.  The passer-byes love it. 

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