07 July 2016

The Birds and the Bees

Yes, as romantic as it sounds, our backyard has been ruled so far this summer by the birds and the bees.

We have been lucky enough to host another family of baby birds.  This year they have nested in our rose bushes. 

Looking back at last year, it took over a month from egg to flying the coop.

I swear this year, it was less than two weeks. 

Must be the growth hormones in the wáter.

Dyleva and I camped out in the backyard for three nights last week.  We woke up to a chorus of bird's singing, calling and chirping bright and early each morning. 

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On the flip side, the bees have invaded our backyard.  We have clover through our grass, which equals bees. 

Dyleva came to me last week crying that they had gotten stung.  I looked at their feet.  I saw a tiny dot.  Cleaned it.  Kissed it.  Sent them on there way.  They were fine ten minutes later.

I told them a bee sting was a small price to pay for the freedom of walking barefoot in our backyard.

How very Mother Earth of me.

Well this week, Eva came to me screaming her head off.  She showed me her foot.  Sure enough, there was a stinger.  I pulled it out, treated her foot, gave her a popsicle. 

Holy cow, her foot has been red and swollen for days!

Benadryl.  Ibuprofen.  Hydrocortisone.  You name it. 

So I began squishing bees. 

Not two hours later, Dylan comes to me screaming.  This time, a finger.  I inspect, and pull out the stinger.  I treat.  The pain continues. 

So I ask Dylan.  "What honey?  Were you playing in the grass?"

He explained.  "No Mommy.  I squished a bee like you and then I picked it up to make sure it was really dead."

Apparently it was not.  Silly boy.

We still bask in the semi-peaceful-" GO PUT YOUR SHOES ON!!!"- environment of our backyard. 

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