Today we went to meet the precious package, and she had quite an impression on my children. They both were hesitant at first, but then ended up holding her, and being oh so gentle with her.
Ironically, Eva never even watched Tia Jill nurse Emmy. So seeing the newborn baby must have brought back a lot of memories of when Dylan was a baby.
Emmy also left an impression on Dylan. He later asked me, "Mommy, why was the baby crying?"
"Oh, Dyl. Emmy was probably hungry. She doesn't have words like you do, so she needs to cry to tell Tia Jill she is hungry."
"Will she get words?"
"Yes baby, when she is older. Sometimes you still don't have the words, but it comes as you get older."
"So, Mommy, kind of like you can't pick the calabaza, because if you do it won't grow anymore."
".....yes, Dylan that's right."
He paused and let that sink in for a minute.
"Well when she gets bigger, she won't need a baby seat anymore."
No Dylan. She will grow quickly. Too quickly.
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