31 August 2014


Tonight we went to a birthday party for Eva's friend from her old daycare (now she is a kindergartener...) at a miniature golf course.

When we arrived, the place was closed and the Mom was beside herself.  How does that happen?  They just decide not to open for the day?

I have my own theories (think minimum wage and hangover), but we live extremely close to the venue and I offered our house as an optional choice for the party.

So the reunion of the ninos shifted to our backyard.  It went fantastic.

Thank goodness, the weather held out for us.  Dylan later asked, "Can I tell you my no favorite part?"  "XXX running away from me."

"Well Dyl, what was your favorite part?"

"Watching programas with Eva."

More importantly, I grilled Eva on seeing her friends again.  She hasn't seen these boys (all the guests were boys) since June.  In Toddler time that's years!

"OMG Eva!  What was it like seeing CM again?"

"It was special because we have to play together.   We did an obstacle course."

"Why is CM such a good friend?"

"CM shares with me, he plays with me, and gets along with me.  When SP is busy, he still plays with me.  Sometimes I want to play and CM gets along with me and will play with me."

These two have been together since they were babies.  They are adorable together and was a great reunion.  We were happy to help out considering the circumstances.

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