05 August 2014

Beach Days!

Dyleva's parents who were in desperate need for a beach getaway booked two weeks at the beach this year, instead of just one.  However, the weeks were not consecutive...strange.  Anyway, the niños have thoroughly enjoyed keeping busy in the sand and water.

Eva has taken to the beach like a sea turtle.  When she is not out swimming in the lake, she is combing the beach searching for sea glass.  It has turned into a slight obsession.  It was introduced to her last year by the niñas that stayed next door.  "Mommy, I just want it.  It makes me feel so happy to have it."  Fair enough.

Dylan, up until now, had perfected the art of sleeping on the beach.  It didn't matter where, Mexico, South Carolina, local beaches, zonk.   Out like a light.  We usually just throw a blanket over him and go on with our business.  This visit he's different.  

First of all, he loves our new house. "Mommy, me like this place."
If I can get him outside, he enjoys the beach.
"Dylan, come put on your bathing suit please."
"Dylan come put on your sunscreen please."
"Dylan come brush your teeth please."

But he loves the beach.  Today we made roads for his dump trucks to deposit the rocks they were carrying.     

In the lake, he is a little more apprehensive.  Not for lack of love of the water -he is a fish- but the thousands of stones he has to climb over to get there and also the waves have him a little nervous.

The boy also has a fascination for sticks, the longer the better.  This way he can help Daddy make a fire every night on the beach- a favorite part of the day for both niños and Mommy and Daddy. 

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