07 April 2024

Stitches, take two

 I was so grateful; we made it home yesterday, safely.  No accidents, not too many disagreements : )   Our whole extended family also made it back safely to Buffalo.  Gizmo and Holly were both great.  I was concerned about being so far from them for so long.  All good.  All peaceful.  

Today Dylan had a hockey game.  Lancaster vs. Depew.  It was a great game!  They were evenly matched, and Depew's goalie is a friend of ours.  They tied 2-2.  Dylan played an excellent game.  There was a moment in the first period where, he kneeled down.  I can't remember if he was tripped? But I remember thinking, OMG I hope he's not hurt.  He got right up and kept playing.  In fact, he played the whole rest of the game.

Fast forward, I was waiting in the corridor for him to come out and I start hearing a buzz.  "Dylan",  "bleeding", "dressing room".  I start looking around... there are 3 Dylans on the team, so I try not to freak out.  I finally realize it is my Dylan and I rush to the locker room.  Jeff is already there.  Apparently he clipped himself during the trip.  

Eight stitches later, he is on the couch. He is good, and I am really trying to talk him into taking up chess.

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