27 July 2023

Turning 12


Turning 12 years old

Dylan turning 12 was a bittersweet experience for me this year.  Months and months ago, Dylan asked to go to Cedar Point, in lieu of a gift and a birthday party.  We agreed, and put the plan in works.  We would go as a family for 3 days.  Also, his cousins were going to come as well, to ride roller coasters with him!

Three days before we were ready to go, Dylan and I were playing wiffle ball in the backyard.  I pitched it to him, he cracked it, and before I could react it came back and smacked me point blank in the eyeball.

Needless to say, I was out for Cedar Point.  Eva stayed home with me. Bittersweet, because I wanted to be a part of his special trip.  However, they had an amazing time. Just the boys.  Eva and I fended for ourselves.  We watched Dirty Dancing with Tia Linda.  We did Twilight marathon.  We door dashed!  Most importantly, I could see so shut up and count your blessings!

Happy birthday Dylan!  Here are some birthday highlight photos!
The three cousins!

Birthday dinner!

Eva kept busy with One-Eyed Wagner

Not funny Eva...nice eyeball joke..

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