26 December 2022

Growing up and cleaning out

 Normally, after Christmas, I spend a day with each child, cleaning out their room.  Putting away new toys.  This year they spearheaded that task on their own!  Mid-morning Dylan brings bags of toys out of his room to donate.

"Seriously, Dyl?" I questioned.  "You won't have any toys left to play with...."

Eva was doing the same, except she was motivated by money.  She is going to try and sell some of her American Girl doll stuff.  

It is really nice how they have embraced their space and want to keep it neat and organized now!  

There are some things, however, that they are ready to part with, or that they have created over the years...that I kind of feel need a bit of acknowledgement.

That is definitely one way this blog comes in handy!

Dylan's puppy creation from ceramics

A medal Dylan earned in gymnastics

Batman!!! More ceramics

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