28 December 2022


 Because 41 is my lucky number, and because it would be the 41st entry into the blog this year, I had to create this post; even though I have nothing remotely interesting to report.

I cleaned all day, in preparation for our trip to Ellicottville tomorrow: 3 days of skiing, 4 families, 8 kids, 4 bedrooms. A lot of vodka.

We will be celebrating the New Year there.  Hopefully it will be fun.  If anyone was feeling lonely or antsy from the storm, (not me!) this situation will surely be the anecdote!

26 December 2022

Growing up and cleaning out

 Normally, after Christmas, I spend a day with each child, cleaning out their room.  Putting away new toys.  This year they spearheaded that task on their own!  Mid-morning Dylan brings bags of toys out of his room to donate.

"Seriously, Dyl?" I questioned.  "You won't have any toys left to play with...."

Eva was doing the same, except she was motivated by money.  She is going to try and sell some of her American Girl doll stuff.  

It is really nice how they have embraced their space and want to keep it neat and organized now!  

There are some things, however, that they are ready to part with, or that they have created over the years...that I kind of feel need a bit of acknowledgement.

That is definitely one way this blog comes in handy!

Dylan's puppy creation from ceramics

A medal Dylan earned in gymnastics

Batman!!! More ceramics

25 December 2022

The Most Peaceful Christmas


It is Christmas evening.

My children are under their new electric blankets, cozy, watching "A Christmas Story."

Dylan has his new neck massager and is drinking from his new mug.  

Eva is snuggling with her warm-up alpaca.

This has been a holiday to remember.

For two weeks now, the news has been warning us of an impending storm.

A storm of the century!

Lets back up.

My Christmas gift of a peaceful holiday came in the form of a snow day.  Thursday, schools were cancelled for Friday. ...Which is quite ok, because then we could actually have time to prepare for the holiday, and celebrate a day early.

But Friday.  We woke up.  Embraced the day and the 70 mph winds.  We lost power for most of the day.  We wrapped presents, finished the gingerbread houses and played.

That night we were "supposed" to go carroling.  Cancelled.

The next day of the blizzard, we got homework done, and finished up cleaning the house.  We were supposed to go out for Christmas Eve.  Cancelled.

Christmas morning, my ninos woke up at the crack of dawn, and snuggled in bed together.  They waited to wake us up, which was very sweet!  We had a nice, relaxing morning.  Everyone was thankful and appreciative.  

I received the best gifts of them all!  Eva wrote me a poem, adapted from one that is our favorites at Christmas time.  Dylan wrote me a "Who would win" book.  This is where you compare the characteristics of the animals and decide which would survive in a battle.  Dylan also drew me a blue print of my dream house, and made me a card.

My family was supposed to come over.  Cancelled.

We did venture out as a family, just a couple miles (during a driving ban...) The roads were like semitruck graveyards.  The roads were lined with abandoned vehicles.  It was wild.  We stayed for a while, and then headed home.

I woke up the next morning and took down our dead tree.  Finally, out of its misery, it could RIP.

We proceedes as normal.  We went through our routines.  Come Friday, school was CANCELLED!!

08 December 2022

From Dylanisms to annoying catch phrases

Dylan was reading to me, and I commented, "Ooh, scary!"  He quickly responded.  "Mommy a book can't be scary.  There is no music playing."


One day we were driving in the car.  I was talking about some place near the cemetery.  Dylan pipes up, " Do you mean the dead park?"


Dyleva has also invented new vocabulary from time to time.  Here are a couple words that Dylan has used recently:

abusement: I believe it is the act of getting abused

tricshotted: Something similar to a deke in hockey?

Eva used this one.  She referred to the team's "hockey teacher."


Eva got up and asked Dylan if he needed anything.  He said no, but then the minute she walked away, he asked her for something.  She jokingly said, "Dylan, you need to get a maid."

He said thoughtfully, "No.  I have Mommy."


We went to pick up Eva from a birthday party for her friend.  It was a fancy party at a hall.  

Eva walks out to the car, and Dylan says, "You let her go, in that dress?"



    Christmas time is busy enough, but this year with our new hockey requirements, the family outings we normally share seemed almost impossible to replicate.

    We managed to secure one night out together.  We went out to dinner, and then to see "A Christmas Carol."  I love this show.  I love the carroling before the show, and the acting is fantastic.  We had a really nice night out!