18 September 2022

The Emotional Trauma of Holly

 Apparently, leaving a cat in isolation for three weeks is not healthy.

I don't know.  Sounds pretty good to me....peace and quiet.  Not having to serve anyone, clean up after anyone...ANYWAY, I digress.

We returned from three weeks at the beach to a healthy cat.  Very affectionate, but healthy.

Tia Jenna brought Bazooka to stay with us for a weekend, and apparently that pushed Holly over the edge.  

She stopped eating.  She lost balance.  Her third eyelid appeared.

Fast forward; none of the vets can get her in.  I take her to the ER and my car won't start.  Seriously.

SuperJeff comes to the rescue; uses an old Jedi mind trick and pushes the car to start.

It turns out Holly is suffering from emotional trauma.  And herpes.  Don't forget about the herpes.

Not my fault.

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