27 June 2022

I DISLIKE Darien Lake.

 Eva's birthday celebration turned out ok.

But just barely.

It was a risk to be so unstructured (for me), but sigh, it ended up okay.  She enjoyed herself and her friends' company.

However, part of the problem was that I went through her friends, not the parents, for notification of the party.

Well.  I wasn't about to make the same mistake with Dylan's party.

Eva designed super cute roller coaster invitations.  I mailed them to the friends' houses.

When we tried to "book" a pavillion at Darien, we couldn't.  Jeff suggested just getting a campsite.  So we did.

Two friends have already RSVPed.  Its happening!  Dylan is sooo excited.

And then tonight.  I was paging through my emails with a drink in my hand, deleting garbage and spam, when I came across this:

Dylan's party was on July 19th.

I hate Darien Lake.

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