27 June 2022

I DISLIKE Darien Lake.

 Eva's birthday celebration turned out ok.

But just barely.

It was a risk to be so unstructured (for me), but sigh, it ended up okay.  She enjoyed herself and her friends' company.

However, part of the problem was that I went through her friends, not the parents, for notification of the party.

Well.  I wasn't about to make the same mistake with Dylan's party.

Eva designed super cute roller coaster invitations.  I mailed them to the friends' houses.

When we tried to "book" a pavillion at Darien, we couldn't.  Jeff suggested just getting a campsite.  So we did.

Two friends have already RSVPed.  Its happening!  Dylan is sooo excited.

And then tonight.  I was paging through my emails with a drink in my hand, deleting garbage and spam, when I came across this:

Dylan's party was on July 19th.

I hate Darien Lake.

26 June 2022

Watkins Glen

 Of all the hiking we have done, I have to say that the Watkins Glen gorge is my favorite. 

It is just so beautiful; I love the natural waterfalls.  I love the rocks!

So when Jeff suggested we camp Watkins as our intro to summer, I couldn't have been happier!

  Our campsite was perfect (under the shade of many trees), we had the gorge behind us, and beautiful weather.  We were at site 182 in Onondaga Village.

Admittedly, I was a bit under the weather.  I was a bit burned out from the year.  Earlier that day, was my last day of work.  Whoosh.

We had an enjoyable time.  I was the weakest link; but everyone else was fantastic.  This was a successful camping trip!

01 June 2022


Well we knew it was coming. 
The sarcasm and cynicism arrived many months prior. 
 It is official. 
 Eva is a teenager. 
This year she opted for a small friend gathering that will occur in about 3 weeks time. On her birthday night, she was visited by many friends of the family to celebrate the big moment.

Eva turning 13!!!

It was a simple evening; we had fancy cupcakes.  Eva swam and played with her cousins in the pool.  

We are preparing for birthday celebration: Part 2 in the upcoming weeks!