11 February 2021

February Blues

 We all knew this day would come.

I had nightmares...

Woke up with cold sweats...

Yelled out randomly at students in the middle of the night....

Yep.  Time to go back to work.  

It sounds easy, not even the whole "teaching part," but the family part has become complicated.  

Dyleva is virtual every other day.  So...that means my nanny is about to receive a big pay increase.

And the dog.  The stinking dog I wasn't ready for, I now have to arrange for neighbors to come let him out.  

It is still, not bad.  I mean, technology is and will always be (with me) a challenge.  But I have 4 students.  The minute they get silly, I give them the evil eye.  Then they are like, aw cocos.  She means business!

My babies are growing up.

It's so sad.

Eva wears contacts.

Dylan wags his toe.  Don't ask.

Neither of them really need me anymore.  


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