20 January 2019


Snow day!
We kind of saw it coming!
Everybody had cancelled school except for us!

But I was prepared.  I created a schedule of centers.

I was not about to have my awesome snow day ruined by fighting ninos!

I began with some centers that were open all day.  Dyleva could go to them whenever they chose throughout the day.  An example was Eva's cozy corner.  That became the reading center.  Throughout the day if Dyleva wanted to curl up with a good book, they could do that.

 I organized the day by sections of the house.  Then I listed the activities going on in that area and times.  

The living room was a yoga center from 9-12.  Then it became a Go Noodle center 12-3, and then a Just Dance center 3-5.

The basement was instruments, then later ball play, then lastly target practice.

The kitchen was baking, then lunch, then science experiments.  

The hallway was choo choo all day long.

Eva's room was Barbie, Dylan's room was Legos.

My room was homework/flashcards, later nap.

Awww. Nap center.  Reminds me of the good old days when we HAD TO nap everyday.

Finally, the Dining room was puzzles and scrapbooking.  

It was very engaging!  There was no fighting, and no whining that they were bored.  Later we played out side and went for a walk at night to get some exercise.

I'll take a snow day any day!

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