19 August 2018

Pulling an Audible

Jeff and Dylan had plans.

So Eva and I were going to hook up with Tia Linda and Tio Pete.  They were at an event that had a Beatles cover band playing on a roof live.


We headed out.

Spirits were high, excited to go out!

Thirty minutes later, we were on the thruway, about a hundred feet from where we began. 

We would never make it on time.  Traffic was awful.  Apparently this Bills game thing that Jeff and Dylan went to was very popular and clogged the highways.

I kind of lost it.

I got off the thruway.

Eva was like, "Mommy, what are you doing?"

"Eva," I said, "We are not doing this.  I am not going to spend an hour in traffic only to fight for a parking spot, to stand in a mob."

We called Tia Linda to apologize.  We weren't going to make it.  

Instead, we went to miniature golf.

Just the two of us.  

We had a great time !

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