25 December 2017

Belated Birthday

For some reason, this year it was crazy busy the week of my birthday.  I didn't get to hang with my fam.  
So I said to them, why don't we wait, and do something Christmasy later on?

Well, Weenie, you rock.  

She found a painting place that would cater to our needs!  

At this place, when you came in they talked you through, step by step how to create something...in this case Rudolph.

I was a little nervous about Dyleva having a frustration level; but for the most part they rolled with it.  We had a couple 'oops,' but most of it was happy painting.

My favorite part was seeing all the different results and how each family member tailored their painting with their own creativity.  
For example, Jenna put 'GrandmaGrandma surprise eyes' on her reindeer.  Dylan put crazy antlers on his with angry eyes.  Eva put beautiful eyelashes and a bow on her rei

Surprise eyes like GrandmaGrandma!


They had drinks.  They had music.  It was very nice.

I suck at painting, but that's beside the point.  It made for a very nice birthday celebration.

Thank you Tiney!

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