21 October 2017

Haunted Hayride


I have always loved Halloween.  It is my favorite holiday!

So our town puts on a "Haunted Hayride."

Jeff and I always like to support local initiatives.

I remember, Eva was 4, Dylan 2, and we first went to the Bowmansville Haunted Hayride.  


Big mistake.  There were chainsaws hacking up body parts, creatures jumping up on the tractor, people bleeding and screaming for help.

Yes, I was 'Mother of the Year,' that year.

I just distracted them, "Hey look at how big the moon is tonight!"
Fast forward four years.  We are back.  And hopefully mature enough.  It certainly gained in popularity because we waited more than an hour.

Still viciously gory.  But Dyleva was okay with it.  I love scary; but I don't like gory.  After we talked about which parts we liked and didn't like.  


Here are some additional snapshots of our Halloween experience:
Halloween Maze
Pumpkin Farm
Their dummy: Donald Trump

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