24 July 2017

!Pinta Pinta!

Dyleva has had painting fever this summer!

It began earlier, with a simple trip to the pottery place....which they love!

They carefully selected an item to paint, and man, they were very detailed!

I helped Dylan with the Pokeman form, and Eva with the mane.


Fast forward.

Jeff built the ninos a new swingset.

I decided one day that we would paint it.

Two hours later, Masterpiece!  We all worked together to create this beautiful swingset!

Final Product!

Fast forward.

I am preparing for Dylan's party.  Eva decides she wants to paint the pole in the front of our house.

Really?  Now?  Okay.

She did a beautiful job.  She was very careful and attentive to detail.  But she must have ADD.  She painted for, like 15 minutes, and then was done.  An hour later, she wanted to paint again. Repeat.  15 minutes, and then done.

Mind you, its 85 degrees outside; each time she is 'done', I need to put all paint away and clean brushes. 

And I wonder why I get nothing done!

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