25 July 2017


Back in June, I took Dyleva to the Hull House in Lancaster.  They were fascinated.  

After speaking to my sister, she reminded me of the Genesee County Museum in Mumford.

I went as a child, on some lame field trip.  But now, I saw it as a relevant and interesting outing for Dyleva.

We set a date to go together.  Beware; they are closed Mondays!

It's a little more than a hop, skip and a jump for us.  I swear I could hear the theme from the Beverly Hillbillies as I was driving down the backroads into the place...

We arrive.  

We pass the GIFT SHOP conveniently located at the entrance.  

We begin to explore.


Throughout the day, we made it to most of the sites/houses on the map.

There was some beautiful architecture.  There were interesting people willing to talk on end about the era.  There were school children (day camp$$)  frolicking all over the village.  

But Dyleva and cousins were bored as could be.

I didn't blame them.  

They would go into a cool house ( if it was open, and not chained off) and not be able to touch anything. 

 The "villagers"  were polite and knowledgeable, but did little to interest the kids in their craft.  

What a waste.

We went to the gun house.

(Yes, I let Dylan in a gun house.)

Some dude droned on and on about the accuracy and different types of weapons..blah, blah, blah.  Why couldn't he let Dylan stick the cleaner stick up the gun barrel?

We went to a residence.  There was a woman grinding corn.  Why couldn't she let the kids do that?  Or churn butter?

I was talking to Eva later.   She asked me.  "Mommy, which job would you have if you were in the village?"

"I thought the print maker was pretty cool."  (But again, we watched; why couldn't my kids participate in that process?)

"What about you?"

"Really, Mommy?  The pottery guy of course."  I couldn't get her to leave she was fascinated watching the old dude make a candlestick.  Imagine what would have happened if he would have put her on the wheel.

24 July 2017

!Pinta Pinta!

Dyleva has had painting fever this summer!

It began earlier, with a simple trip to the pottery place....which they love!

They carefully selected an item to paint, and man, they were very detailed!

I helped Dylan with the Pokeman form, and Eva with the mane.


Fast forward.

Jeff built the ninos a new swingset.

I decided one day that we would paint it.

Two hours later, Masterpiece!  We all worked together to create this beautiful swingset!

Final Product!

Fast forward.

I am preparing for Dylan's party.  Eva decides she wants to paint the pole in the front of our house.

Really?  Now?  Okay.

She did a beautiful job.  She was very careful and attentive to detail.  But she must have ADD.  She painted for, like 15 minutes, and then was done.  An hour later, she wanted to paint again. Repeat.  15 minutes, and then done.

Mind you, its 85 degrees outside; each time she is 'done', I need to put all paint away and clean brushes. 

And I wonder why I get nothing done!

23 July 2017

Birthday Celebration!

Dylan is very excited about his birthday.

About two weeks ago, I see him grab scissors, paper, and a stapler.  He moves to the table and starts cutting.

Curious, I ask, "Whatcha doin?"

"I'm making a paper chain until my birthday."  Then it dawns on him.  "Mama, how many days is it until my birthday?"

We go to the calendar and attempt to count.  But, oh yes.  We had the same problem with Eva.

"Which day exactly do you want to count down to?  Your friend party?  Your family party?  Or your real birthday?"

"Which one comes first?"  he asked.  


His friend party is always tough; in the middle of summer, everyone is busy.  However, a few close friends and a few boys from his class this year showed up.  They ran around like crazy and had a great time!


For Dyl, the family party is all about cousins and neighbors.  Pool, bounce house, sno kones.  Life is good.  Oh yeah, then there is cake, ice cream and presents too!

As for the actual day, Dylan wanted to do the same as last year: boat ride and Rainforest Cafe.

We warned him that if next year he chooses the same, it may become a TRADITION!

16 July 2017

A Perfect Afternoon

We have had a few rough days this month, with bickering and not listening. 

It sometimes seems like Dyleva wakes in the morning with the thought, "Hey!  I am going to bug the shit out of my (mother/father/sister/brother) today!"

And that is their sole intention.

But not today!!!

We had a lovely afternoon at Dylan's park.  They played in the playground for a while.  We took a break and had a picnic lunch.  

When it came time for our nature hike, they were SO pumped!  Dylan had his binoculars, and Eva was going to film nature with her Ipad.

We didn't have to wait long.  Almost immediately, blue jays came up to us to eat the peanuts we left behind.

One fell one the ground, and then- oh boy- every squirrel and chipmunk in the park heard it and came running. 

The animals must be so used to being fed, they let you get pretty close.  

We hiked for about an hour, and then returned to play for a bit.

It was a very pleasant afternoon to spend with Dyleva.  I wish they came around more often.

13 July 2017


The weather this summer has been unpredictable; to say the least.  Gray looming skies that produce not a drop, and then beautiful sunshine with a downpour four minutes later.

The temperatura, however, has been mild and comfortable; not crazy hot.

This day in particular, we woke to a thunderstorm.  BOOM!!!

Dyleva was running all over the house, looking out windows, going in the garaje to watch the rain come down and see the lightning. 

Jeff is doing a happy dance because he got rained out for the day!

It rained all morning.

We eventually all go out for a lovely lunch.  When we return, there is no nap in sight. 

We play games.  We scrapbook.  We go for a ride.

Apparently there is a major flood in Lancaster, and we have family members in distress.  So we go to observe.

Check out this flood!

Our family was still afloat.  Well, maybe not financially, but in good spirits.

07 July 2017


When we hang in the backyard, Dyleva is always digging, looking under rocks, searching for bugs, experimenting with something.  Usually something they are not supposed to.  

I have always wanted to take them digging for fossils.  I used to go annually when I taught third grade.  

I knew that you have to have the right day.  It's full sun, no coverage at the site.  So one must come prepared.

That day arrived this week.  It rained briefly just to cool things off and to soften the ground.  It was overcast.  A perfect day.

We show up to dig; we have all our equipment.  The docent shows us where to dig, so we begin.

At first, Eva found a couple corals right away.  

Dylan just got frustrated.  

So we move by the mini creek that passes through the land.  

Then Dylan started finding a bunch.

And Eva got frustrated.

This wasn't meant to be a competition.

The ended up enjoying it in the end.  We spent about an hour and a half digging.  Then, slightly wet, covered in mud, we went out to lunch!  We got a few looks!