04 February 2017

Freezing the Fever

Poor baby.

Dylan has been sick for three days.  Our house just felt germy.  He has only had a fever.  We give him medicine, he's fine.  Medicine wears off, fever spikes.  So today we were determined to get him out of the house, but didn't want him enclosed. 

We didn't want to get anyone else sick, and we wanted to have a respite in case it became too cold.  so we went to the zoo.

We had a fabulous time. 

It was cold, but we haven't been in a while, and we saw some really cool, interesting animals. 

The most spectacular moment came when Dylan  and Eva were playing with the sea lions.  Seriously, we watched them from above.  But when we went down below, they followed Dylan through the glass.  He was playing with them!  It was amazing!

Meanwhile, back at home, we had opened every window in the house to air out the poison!  Our house was 47 degrees! 
Fever, Frozen!

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