13 December 2016

The Loose Tooth

I have never seen a child so annoyed by a loose tooth.  

Dylan was excited; his sister has been spinning him tales of all the magical things the tooth fairy might bring him.

But he was also bothered by the wiggly tooth in the front that kept twisting and turning.  

He kept saying, "I'm just going to pull it out!"

"Go ahead."  I called his bluff.  "Do you want me to do it?" (hoping he wouldn't call mine! Ew!)

Dylan thought better.  But began carrying one of those little cases around...just in case.

Until one day, finally, while eating it came out!

A hallmark moment.  My baby.

And the tooth fairy brought him the same as Eva....

1 comment:

  1. Dyl that is the grossest thing in the world.......love you best sister Eva
