13 December 2016

The Loose Tooth

I have never seen a child so annoyed by a loose tooth.  

Dylan was excited; his sister has been spinning him tales of all the magical things the tooth fairy might bring him.

But he was also bothered by the wiggly tooth in the front that kept twisting and turning.  

He kept saying, "I'm just going to pull it out!"

"Go ahead."  I called his bluff.  "Do you want me to do it?" (hoping he wouldn't call mine! Ew!)

Dylan thought better.  But began carrying one of those little cases around...just in case.

Until one day, finally, while eating it came out!

A hallmark moment.  My baby.

And the tooth fairy brought him the same as Eva....

11 December 2016

Gingerbread Making 101

Every year, gingerbread houses top Dyleva's list of favorite holiday must-do's.  

In fact, it was the first thing they asked to do after Thanksgiving.  

I wanted to make them from scratch this year, but I was outvoted.  

They wanted the kit.

So.  We made the houses from the kit.  Dylan chose "Tio  Starch's house," and Eva wanted a Troll house.  

They worked diligently for 2 days, and created their masterpieces.

Dylan's had two gingerbread men laying down on the ground in front of the house.

"Mommy,"  he called.  "Do you want to know what my house is called?"


"Twinkle Twinkle Twinkle Christmas.  Because they are looking up at the sky and they see the stars."

"I love it!!!"


Fast forward a week.  

Gingerbread houses from scratch are back on the table, and we have family interested in joining us!

They did awesome!  I was a little worried the ninos would get frustrated, but they were so busy eating the candy, I don't think they even cared.  

Check out these houses!

05 December 2016

Christmas Spirit!

Christmas craft for friends-bookmarks!

Late night snow play

Christmas caroling

Festival of Lights