07 August 2016

The Kitties and the Patos

When we began "Mommy School," I made it very clear that we were working in Spanish.  But that girl.  I don't know.  I swear, she is going to be a lawyer.  She can justify ANYTHING!
Here is a final published product:the first "bilingual book" of Mommy School.

One day there was a kitty and her three babies names were Snowy, Crystal and Fuzzy.  They took a walk to find some food for  their

and they see something in the bushes.  Crystal said, "Hey," and the voice answered back, "Hola."

Crystal said, "What are your names?"  "Los nombres están en ingles."  Crystal called her mother over.

Crystal's mother came over.  They had a talk.  "I live in the meadow."  "Yo movi a la pradera."

Five years later the mother got a phone call.  The weather man said there was a tornado coming so she had to move to the courtyard.  They all had to say goodbye.

Everybody was sad.  The kitties left the courtyard.

The next day the ducks thought they would go after them.  So they packed their bags and go for the airplane.

They found that they landed at the same time.  They were so happy.  The next day she got a call.  Here we go again!  The end.

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