03 June 2016

Naked Jasper

So one of the things on Eva's wish list was another male Barbie doll.  Okay.  Not an unreasonable request.

I try to find one online, (mostly because I am just unable to get to a store without Dyleva in tow).
And the dolls I found....well, let's just say they didn't look very masculine.

Eventually, I came across the Twilight dolls.  So I ended up getting her a Jasper doll.

Funky hair.  Cool clothes. I did good.

Fast forward a few days, Eva is in the bathtub.  And if it doesn't have batteries, its allowed to come in.

Imagine my surprise when I came face to face with Naked Jasper.  He's so white!  I started cracking up! I have never seen a doll so white...I guess to be expected but so funny looking!

"What Mommy?"  Eva asks confused.  She has no idea he's a vampire. 

"Oh, nothing honey.  He's just really pale."

"Yeah, they are all swimming together in the water."  And she went about playing with them, not even noticing the difference.

Here is studly Jasper by comparison with his other manly swimmers.

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