26 June 2016

Graduation season

Tis the season! 

Not only for my little man who is now ready to enter kindergarten but for other family members as well!

This weekend we had two graduation parties; a cousin and my best friend's daughter.  I feel old.  I remember when she was born, I was just starting out in life; and now it is her turn.  I wish her the best of luck. 

Now my little guy was the coolest guy in green.  A once shy little boy has begun to come out of his shell.  He will do just fine next year. 
Dylan and his teacher


03 June 2016

Naked Jasper

So one of the things on Eva's wish list was another male Barbie doll.  Okay.  Not an unreasonable request.

I try to find one online, (mostly because I am just unable to get to a store without Dyleva in tow).
And the dolls I found....well, let's just say they didn't look very masculine.

Eventually, I came across the Twilight dolls.  So I ended up getting her a Jasper doll.

Funky hair.  Cool clothes. I did good.

Fast forward a few days, Eva is in the bathtub.  And if it doesn't have batteries, its allowed to come in.

Imagine my surprise when I came face to face with Naked Jasper.  He's so white!  I started cracking up! I have never seen a doll so white...I guess to be expected but so funny looking!

"What Mommy?"  Eva asks confused.  She has no idea he's a vampire. 

"Oh, nothing honey.  He's just really pale."

"Yeah, they are all swimming together in the water."  And she went about playing with them, not even noticing the difference.

Here is studly Jasper by comparison with his other manly swimmers.

01 June 2016

Eva's birthweek

Let's face it.
When your seven and spoiled, you don't really have a birthday.  You have a birthweek.  The celebration doesn't end with the actual day. 
The four days leading up to her birthday, every day, I reminded Eva.

"Hey Eva.  Do you know what Mommy was doing seven years ago today?  I was in LABOR!"

She just says "Whatever Mommy."

So Eva had the classroom celebration, the Doodlebug celebration, and then of course she wanted to go to her favorite restaurant for her birthday. 

She didn't pick McDonalds.  Or Pizza Hut.

When we got home, it was so late we didn't have time to cut her cake or sing to her.  : (

So we did it the next day. 

Then the following day, we all did party preparations.  Eva and Dylan actually pulled their own weight.  I warned them-"after school, we are cleaning!"

And they did.  They were in charge of the chairs.  Eva scrubbed them, Dylan rinsed them.

After that, they decided to paint them. 

And that kept them nice and busy so Mommy and Daddy could get work done. 

It's been a long week!