21 February 2015

Airplanes for Little People

Over the February break, we took Dyleva to Cancun.  It was not my idea, but I did agree to go. 

It's not a vacation if you have children with you. 
Anyway.  A lot of my anxiety was centered around the four hour flight. 
As a former flight attendant, I have been very critical of parents and the lack of control they had over children, and safety concerns, on an airplane.  I am determined not to become that Mom, the one that lets her toddler run up and down the aisle. 

Our solution?  Bribery.

It worked.  Jeff brought the inflight entertainment, and I brought a big bag of gummies and suckers.  Unheard of in our house. 

But, it occurred to me, that my children should be perfectly well-behaved.  They were in heaven.  This airplane was built for people their size. 

They had plenty of space to fidget and move in their seats, and sleep comfortably if necessary.  I looked at the tall guy across the aisle from me, whose knees jutted out passed the seat in front of him into the aisle.  He dutifully is not using his armrest to give it to the poor sucker seated next to him in the middle seat.  The poor guy looked partially curled into the fetal position for four hours. 

Then I looked at my kids. 

They had on demand in-flight entertainment, food, and beverages.  Mom, at their beck and call- a personal waitress to cater to their moment to moment need.  Most people have to pay and wait for that. 

Why shouldn't they be perfectly behaved? 

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