27 September 2014

Decorations and Making it Equal

Today I pulled out all of the Halloween decorations, in spite of it being a gorgeous eighty degree summer day.  I have never seen such enthusiasm in decorating the house!
Dyleva dumped the bags and boxes all over the hall, and ran around the house shouting, "I have a GREAT idea!  Mommy come look at my great idea!  Look!  Do you like my great idea?" 

Our spooky house is now covered in skeletons, pumpkins, and old spooky artwork from previous years. 
Missing from our decorating fun, was Daddy.  He was looking for an elusive box of Halloween lights graciously donated to us by Tia Linda.  He never did find them, but he searched basement, attic spaces, garage, shed....a mystery.

Dylan's Decorating
At lunchtime, we picnicked in the beautiful sunshine.  Eva spilled her water all over the blanket.  So of course, she reached for her brother's cup of water.  She began to dump it into her now empty cup, as she announced to him, "Dylan, I'm just making it equal.  See?  Now it's equal."

Dylan's Decorating
"Eva, what does that mean?" I asked, waiting for a fight to break out. 

"It means they have the same water.  See?  Its like a tie," she explained.

"A tie?" (Mommy's a little slow.)

"Yeah, a tie is when you have the same."

Dylan's Decorating
Dylan just grinned and went for his water.  And began laughing.

"Ah, Dylan!  Now they are not equal!" as she finished drinking all her water as well. 

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