27 July 2024


 For his birthday, Dylan wanted to spend it with his family.  He also picked out an elaborate dinner.  He wanted Beef Bourignon. I began in the morning.  I also made homemade mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, pulled pork, grilled corn, and cole slaw.

Dylan has grown so much this year! He is now taller than both Eva and me, and his feet are bigger than Jeff's.  Here is my photo of him turning 13:

Turning 13.

Eventually, dinner guests began to arrive.  Dylan chatted with his uncles and aunts, swam, and played with his cousins.  
What a beautiful evening!

Dylan was serenaded by Papa's barbershop quartet.

Eva sabotaged his room in the middle of the night while he was sleeping!

21 July 2024

3 on 3!

 So when hockey is over....its not really over.  Jeff had Dylan signed up for two different 3 on 3 teams.  The first one he was with Milo .  The second, with Frenchie.  They are a lot of fun to watch!  Three on three are fast-paced, less aggressive, and quicker than a regular game.  They took first place!!!

19 July 2024

Dog Days of Summer

 In the past, our summers have been structured....only a bit.  We would wake up and do "Mommy School."  Then we would decide how we would spend our day together.  


Things are quite a bit different this year now that I have two teenagers.  I have convinced them to do random activities with me, but for the most part, they either only want to hang out with their friends or sit in their room alone.  

Here are some glimpses of activities so far this summer:

Eva and Judes at the Strictly Hip

Picnic at Bond Lake

Fourth of July

No more worksheets!!!

Darien Lake

Niawanda with Tia Lisa

Mini golf and driving range

Picnic at Lockport trails

Game day!!!

"Breakfast at Ohlsons"

02 July 2024

Sticks and Stones


Tent Camping.

When we lead with that....we get stories. 

Nonetheless, it has been a semi-tradition in our family to go camping the minute we are DONE with school!

Now... semi-meaning, last year a monsoon passed through.  So we evaluate day by day.

This year, when they eventually took the hail out of the forecast, I was game on!

We actually drove through a monsoon to arrive at the Finger Lakes.  But then, the clouds parted, and the rain ceased.  We set up camp and were on our way.  

The next day, we hiked the beautiful gorge and got caught in a random rain shower.  Watkins Glen is so beautiful.