18 June 2024

60 Flamingos

 A certain aunt of Dyleva's is turning 60!  It wouldn't be like us to let that pass without acknowledgment! After taking Eva to school one morning, I cautiously approached the house.  The coast was clear. She got flamingoed! 

16 June 2024

It all makes scents.

 Birthdays are tough this year.  On Eva's birthday, she had three performances at ATA.  She had been working on Legally Blond for months! What a spectacular performance.

We have never really celebrated on "one" day, but this year especially we have spread the celebration!

The next day, we had family over for cake and ice cream.  Eva had a lot of cheesecake to choose from, and there were other desserts for the family. 

A couple weeks later, she and some friends made candles together at a shop we found downtown.  Also, she spent the day shopping with a friend at the mall with birthday money.  

Here are some highlights!

Eva turning 15!

01 June 2024


 Eva turning 15!!!

So her birthday was slightly overshadowed by Legally Blonde performance.  We made the best of it.  Check out the next entry for details of how we celebrated!