31 December 2023

Skiing in the New Year


Charlotte's artwork

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Eva's Ellicottville video

Tradition!  We started the new year off on a skiing trip with no snow.  For the past few years we have met in Ellicottville post Christmas, to ring in the new year.

This year the conditions were rough.  The kids were champs, skiing over rock, mud, and sometimes patches of grass.  It was cold; beautiful days.  It was just dry.

We spent three lovely nights up on the hill, with a view of the ski slopes.  We watched them groom what little snow there was.  

The cousins were able to spend some quality time together.  Everyone came home in one piece, a good way to begin the new year!  Yay 2024!

28 December 2023

Holiday Cheer

 As much as I love this time of year, it is so stressful, and it goes so fast!  I find us so busy that it is hard to keep up with many of the traditions we do every holiday season.

But we manage to squeeze some in.  For example, we made gingerbread houses, we decorated, we bought a tree, we went carolling and I took Eva to see A Christmas Carol.

Christmas morning was lovely because we were healthy and I have grateful children.  They unwrap slow and savor every moment.  Breaking often for a pet or parent gift.

In the afternoon, we visited my sisters. As we visited Jeff's family on Christmas Eve.

My gift from Eva that she made!