25 August 2021

In the Heights Hysteria

 Back in June, the boys had a hockey night.  I took Eva to the premiere of In the Heights.  After the love of Hamilton and Lin Manuel, I figured that this would be the next step.  

Well, we loved it.  Although she didn't reach obsession status until she got her cousin on board, she soon memorized all the lyrics, bought books about the play, and has watched the movie 20 times since.  

We have had a viewing in the yard, full-on volume, a viewing at the McKay's house, and a viewing at the beach.

It's catching on!  Even Dylan is starting to like it!

11 August 2021

Lego Madness

 We took a four day hiatus from the beach.

I payed bills and did laundry.  We also tried (unsuccessfully) to find Mom's rose bushes.

But I told Dyleva.  This is your time.  Play.  Enjoy.  No running around.  

Well both of them chose legos!  They played for three days straight!

Here are Eva's creations:

Here are Dylan's creations:

09 August 2021

3 Weeks!

 One of our summer traditions for the past 8 or so years, is to rent our cottage on the beach.  The situation has evolved over the years, but basically our family likes us, and asked us to put our weeks consecutively.  

We compromised by just taking 3 weeks, and returning home for a few days in the middle.

Our first week, we had the best weather the entire year.  It only rained once at night.  It was hot and sunny everyday.

Much to Dylan's displeasure, the waves were very calm!

Some highlights this visit were:

Gizmo's first beach experience.  He did great!  He is still unsure of the water, but doesn't mind the beach.

Dylan stepped on a bee while walking the dog.  Unfortunately, he then limped around for 4 days.

We sighted a skunk right outside our door.  He was cute and friendly, but a surprise nonetheless.

Eva and Dylan also tried waterskiing.  They had very good attitudes and I was finally ready for them to try.  They did great!

Photos from the second week: