26 August 2020

The End of an Era


My grandmother was wonderful.  Of all my grandparents, I was closest to her, and rightfully so- she held on the longest!

She died yesterday in her sleep at 98 years old.  She may not have had all her faculties in the end.  Her memory was gone, she was losing her speech, she fixated on details in her room, and the last month she was bedridden.

But what a woman she was before that!  Always busy.  I don't think I ever remember my grandma sitting down, except to eat.  Grandma was always fixing something, cleaning something, taking care of her yard, waiting on her husband (who was always parked in front of the tv).  I have memories of her sweeping the street.  Seriously.  

She loved her neighbors, and her neighborhood.  And by god she loved to talk about them and judge them!

At one point I had the pleasure of living behind her with my best friend.  Although there were some tense moments, I loved being able to see my grandma every day.

I see a lot of my Mom in her.  My mom was closest to her, even before she took her in to her house to take care of her.  I remember every week having to go to her house and I would draw, while my mom and my grandma would organize coupons and look at the grocery ad.  

She was a good person, a hard worker, a caring grandmother and great grandmother. Grandma raised five children, and buried two.  She loved my grandpa fiercely and was heartbroken ever since his death.

May you be in peace Grandma, I love you.

25 August 2020

Dylanisms VIII

We had had a day.  I apologized to Dylan, as I was tucking him in tonight.  

"I'm sorry if I was a little cranky today, honey.  Mommy has a lot going on."  Thinking about work, lack of child care, etc.

And I continued.  "and your Daddy also has a lot going on." With his business, buying a new work truck, etc.

Dylan lay quiet for a few moments.  And finally responded.

"I don't have anything going on."


I had just completed a difficult hike with Dyleva.  It was supposed to be easy....Dyleva was just sitting down to picnic together.  It was cool out.  It felt nice to sit down.  

Eva and Dylan were on the picnic bench, pulling off their hiking boots.  Dylan looks up and said, "My feet are saying Hallelujah, I feel the air!!!"


We arrive at a park, to play and hike.  Dylan informs me he is warm enough; and not wearing any underwear.

I give him the look.

"Dylan.  Are you kidding me?  Please don't leave the house without underwear on."

This is kind of ironic, because when we are at home, that is all he wears.  He runs around in his skivvies.

"Mom, I don't like underwear.  It's uncomfortable.  It's in the name- UNderwear."

He looks at me with a superior grin.

"Whatever Dylan."

24 August 2020