29 April 2018

Eva's New Bling!

Today was the day.

We have been talking about it for weeks.  Months.

Eva has been asking to get her ears pierced; and I am on board.  

But then she wants to wait...not yet Mommy.

Virgen ear lobes

We had a crazy busy weekend.

Sunday we ran errands, which brought us to the mall.

So we just did it!

Check out Dylan's debut of video recording the event:


Coincidentally, her aunties were walking the mall at the same time and stopped by to witness the event.  What are the odds?

Awesome! Now my princess had cheerleaders!

She seemed surprised that it hurt.  

But Eva was very brave.  

She is also hardcore about taking care of them.  I got yelled at for not bringing the medicine with me in the car, after I had picked her up from school and she had an activity.

My bad.  

Another milestone.  It is too much  : (

28 April 2018

Tia Lisa and the Fairy Festival

Seriously two months ago, Tia Lisa called and booked Eva today for a fairy festival at the Botanical Gardens.  

Today was the day!  

Eva and Lisa sat participated in a workshop where Eva created a beautiful addition to her current fairy garden.  

Dylan and I explored the grounds during the workshop, and finished a scavenger hunt.  We found all the items on the list!  Dyl also found a couple friends along the way.

Later we met back up with the girls, and admired all of the beautiful fairy houses that were in the competition.  We got a lot of unique decorating ideas for our garden at home.

Then Dylan was hungry.  Man, when that boy gets hungry, you need to act quick.  We ended up going for fondue.  My spoiled ninos.  

What a lovely afternoon!  Thank you so much Tia Lisa!

26 April 2018

Dylan's double diente

Poor Dilly Dilly.

He didn't have a lot of teeth to start with.

This week he came home, wiggling teeth.    He wanted them out.  

"Can you give me something sticky so it will pull them out?"

We didn't have to wait very long.  One came out by the end of dinner.

And later on that night, my boy that whines about getting his hair brushed, yanked the other one out himself.

Crazy kid.

Busy tooth fairy!

24 April 2018

Dyleva's Art Show!

Eva was telling me about her art class the one day.  She was angry; because her teacher took a bunch of famous paintings and put them face down on the table.

The students were then to select one to recreate.  Her friends got portraits, flowers, fruit to recreate.

"I don't know Mommy, there's clocks and its like a desert."
She tells me about her painting.

I lose it.  "Eva!  Are the clocks melted? On the landscape?"

She looks at me like a crazy person.  "Yessss......"

"Eva!  That's a Dali! That's 'La Persistencia de la Memoria!' "
I am such an art nerd.

Image result for dali la persistencia de la memoria

"It's ugly.  So and so gets to paint flowers."

"Eva," I explain. "I studied a lot of Spanish artists when I lived in Spain.  Your painting has meaning, and symbolism.  It's not just pretty; the artist is trying to send a message and is challenging you to figure it out."

I don't know it she ended up liking it, but she did seem happier that she had chosen a special painting.

We saw it in exhibition at her school's art show.

Here are some other beautiful works from my children:

14 April 2018

Grocery Shopping

Oh how I used to loooovvveeee grocery shopping.  
I would take my time.  Find new stuff to make and try.  Ooh, sundried tomatoes.  Ooh, Fresh avocado.  Ooh Lime, I like lime on everything! Wander leisurely through the aisles.  It was therapeutic.

That was B. C.

Before Children.

Now, not only is it a chore, but most days I would rather bang my head against the wall than to actually have to drag Dyleva to the grocery store with me.

Oh, when they were babies it was tough, but as long as I was quick, and could keep them smiling, it was fine.

Now it's like, extra awful.  Because they are old enough to know better and don't care.  When I only have one of them; it's fine.  But on the days I'm blessed with both of them, they play off each other.  

Dylan is mostly good, he just whines.  "When can we be dooonnneee????"   And walks around super dramatic because I pulled him away from his Pokemon cards. 

Eva is super hyper and annoying.  "Mom, can I have this?  Why not?  Why aren't you answering me?  That's not a reason.  You said we could pick out something.  You lie.  You're a liar."

Or they both get the giggles and start creating a scene.  One time I walked out and left the cart right in the middle of the store because Dyleva was chanting, "Nuts! Nuts!  Were making Mommy nuts!"

I am pretty sure they have been banned from several local grocery stores.

Also, one of my biggest pet peeves, is the lack of concern for the people around you.  I find it incredible, how many people, park their cart right in the middle of the aisle, and don't move until you verbally have to say, "Um, excuse me?"

Well Dyleva has zero spacial awareness.  They walk right in front of other peoples' carts.  They stand in the middle of the aisle when someone is trying to get by.  Awful.

Today I foresaw this going down.

I was determined to have a quick, productive, fun, trip to the grocery store!

Our local store.  They know us there.  I swear when they see us come in, they shake their heads.

I made  both Eva and Dylan each their own grocery list of about 10 items.  

Then I laid down the ground rules.

"You have to stay together, and you have to return to my cart to deposit every item.  Oh, and don't talk to anyone unless you have to say excuse me."

That way, they would be checking in with me about every 5 minutes or so.

It was fantastic!  They worked together, it was like a scavenger hunt.  And once they completed their list, they were able to choose one snack they wanted.

In the end, we sacrificed a little bit of health, (I would NEVER have purchased Lucky Charms for 'cereal' on their list.) But they had fun, were successful, and gave me a peaceful shopping experience.

09 April 2018

The Car Wash

Eva has stated her annoyance to me, in having to ride in such a dirty car.  

"Excuse me?"  I asked.  "Have you seen your back seat?"

It's winter (kind of) in Buffalo.  

My car is dirty.  Who cares?  It's a car.  But apparently, to some people, it matters.  

So I humored my princess, and I took it for a car wash.  

For like the first time ever in my life.

My goodness.  It's the little things.  

They were so excited.  

07 April 2018

South Carolina

On Thursday, I raced home after work and began packing.  Dyleva soon emerged; so excited to leave on their vacation!  

We hit the road running and met fog and heavy downpour along the way.  Eventually, we made it to West Virginia for the  night.  Not fun.

We continued the next day, where we hit traffic and construction.  Bummer.  We ended up taking the back roads, because the highway was at a standstill.  16 1/2 hours.

Arrival happened after dinner time.  It was a long ride. 

Dyleva was mostly good, but come on, look at this set up:
the ride down

Thank you Titi!

Hilton Head is truly a beautiful place.  This is not our first time traveling here; but the maintenance needed to preserve the beauty is immaculate.   It is somewhat elite; which I have a problem with.  But at the same time, it is incredibly safe.

We rode bicycles the entire time.  Our first outing was to the ranch.  Dyleva went on pony rides.  We wanted to horseback ride, but Dilly is still too young.

The next day was Easter.  We met up with family, and hung by the pool all day long.  It was sunny, but not that hot, 60's, low 70's.

It was also April Fool's Day!

Later in the week, we met up with one of Jeff's friends that works in HH and we took a dolphin tour.  It was a gorgeous day.  We saw a few dolphin, but I was most impressed with the skydiving pelican for food.

We went to see the dude.  The dude that sings in Harbour Town.  Greg Russell. Dude has made a living singing under a tree for tourists.  But he's funny.  He tells it like he is. Here is Dylan singing one of his annoying songs for the ride home!

Eva and Dylan on stage


We spent a lot of time at the beach.  Bike riding.  Digging in the sand.  But not too much time in the ocean.  We looked for a lot of natural treasure...and found it!  Sand dollars, shells, jellyfish, crab claws....

This is to remind us of what the sun looks like.

There was an overcast day where we decided to go fishing.  I love fishing!  Shame on me.  I forgot how much work it is with ninos.  I would cast and drink my beer.  No.  My ninos cast, and then reel it in.  Get it stuck. Times 10.

Tio Arch met up with us, thank goodness.  To provide some fishing wisdom.  Eva caught two trees and a twig with her pole.  Dylan got a fish; pero se escapo while we were reeling it in!

But some of my favorite moments happened right at the house.  We played hide and seek.  Eva gave me a manicure.  Dyleva searched for their Easter baskets.  They were kind to each other.

It was very relaxing; other than the drive.  And nice to escape Buffalo!
