24 January 2017

Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic

Eva Magnolia Wagner, performer extraordinaire, had her theatrical debut this weekend. 
Dylan was excited too!
She sang.  She danced.  She acted.  She has found her calling, my little drama queen.

 Eva performed well; she had two brief acts that she had practiced for weeks.  What a fun day!

13 January 2017

Furry Friends

Always trying to find something interesting to entertain Dyleva.  

Now, we are in the doldrums of winter.  

I always tell them we are going towel shopping.  

"Aw, Come on!  That's boring!  Can't we do something fun?"

Who really towel shops?

Anyway.  Today we decided to annoy every single walker in the local mall, by letting our children drive around large furry animals.  Seriously.  

There were a couple near misses.  There were a few crashes into walls.  
We learned Eva drives like her mother.  But in the end, Dyleva had a lot of fun.  

So much for towel shopping.  

The Snacks

I announce to Dyleva in the car on the way home:  

"I have a challenge.  You guys are going to take turns making the snack this week.  It has to have 3 ingredients, 2 of which need to be healthy." 

Eva embraced it.  "I want to go first!  Can I go first?"

She later said she was more excited about playing waitress.  

Eva made us peanut butter graham crackers with mini cookies on top.  

Yum!  Nice job Eva!

The next day Dylan insisted he could do it himself.  I heard a few crashes, and there were a ton of crumbs on the floor, but he was so proud of himself.  He kind of bent the healthy rule a bit.  Dylan prepared graham cracker sandwiches with starburst and chocolate straws in the middle. 

Excellent creation!

I have a feeling this challenge will not be ending soon! 

06 January 2017

Los Papelitos

It was one of those nights. 

We were all tired.

We were all hungry

I did not feel like cooking.

We rallied and decided to go out to eat.

Good choice.  We had a nice dinner; albeit high maintenance.
Nothing new there. 

But at the end of our dinner, they brought us little hand wipies.  It was a barbeque restaurant.

Dylan was fascinated.  He carefully opened each square.  He then unfolded each wipie and put it flat.  Then he laid all four on top of a napkin.  He wrapped up the napkin to take home.


With Dyleva, I have learned to just go with the flow.    It's all good.

When we get home, Dylan carefully unwraps each wipie.  He then rips each wipie into little tiny pieces.  Lovely.


Next, he starts to deposit them all over the house.  Finally.  The suspense is killing me.

"Hey Dylan."

"Yeah?"  he yells.

"What cha doin?"

"Mommy, I am making every place smell good.  See?  Here, smell this.."  and a wipie is immediately put under my nose.

"Dylan, that smells awesome.  Thank you."

Meanwhile,  I am sniffing my house.  Sniff, sniff.  Is it stinky?

02 January 2017

Mini Ball Drop

Happy New Year!!!

We were invited to spend New Years with family. 

All cousins together! 

Mini ball drop!