20 March 2016


A friend brought the equifest to my attention.  I am always looking for new and interesting things to do with Dyleva. 


I wasn't sure what this would involve...but we were excited to find out!

When we arrived there were a pair of horses dancing a pas de deux to Disney music.  There were many vendors, so we occupied our time with them for a bit, and then watched a horse parade of different breeds. 

We got to see mustangs, which in my opinion, was pretty cool. 

Then we went to the second building, and there was tons of interactive activities and displays. 

There was a fake mechanical bull the ninos got to sit on.  They saw a falcon and an owl, (Don't touch!). 

There were two ponies in a pen.  They weren't giving rides, which actually was good.  I always feel bad for the poor animals.  But Dyleva could go in with them, pet them, and do their hair.  Eva was thrilled!

They had crafts.  Dylan made a horse puppet, and Eva decorated a horseshoe.

Dylan got to try out a lasso on a fake toro------much more difficult than it looks!

But the highlight, which I do not understand, was a pen of sawdust.  Under the sawdust was hidden "caca."  The kids were given a rake and had to find and scoop out the caca, without dumping out the sawdust, in order to preserve it.  Kind of like a giant litter box.

This fascinated them.  They went to this spot several times. 

As we left, I reminded them, "You know, we have a big backyard that Marley has been using all winter that needs some cleaning up..." 

16 March 2016

How to catch a leprechaun

If you read last year's blog, you know my niƱos have been poisoned by the "Catch a leprechaun" bug.

Being Polish, none of this had ever occured to me before. 

Fast forward...this year we needed a stronger, more effective trap.  They enlisted the help of their Daddy. 

But I began to wonder...."Why...exactly do we want to catch a leprechaun?  I don't want a leprechaun."

Eva sighed.  "We want him so he can give us the gold."

But I don't want any gold....wine, maybe.

ok.  "Well, what if we have to feed him?  What do leprechauns eat?"

Dylan immediately said "Coconut."  and then later added, "Coconut cookies."

Eva thought more about her response.  "Lettuce, broccoli, and avocado, because they are all green."

13 March 2016

The Market

Today we went to the Polish market.  I thought it would be safe, several weeks out from Easter.  

We actually went to see Rinca Na Tierna, the dancers, but we couldn't find them.  However, we ran into some cool Irish music!

We picked up some delicious Polish food, matrushka, and hair pieces for Dyngus Day!