27 February 2016

Dylanisms 3

On our way to an event at Eva's school, I started telling him about how this will be his school next year.
He became quiet, and then said, "Mommy, I am a Little bit terrified."
We were discussing our extended family traveling to Hilton Head.  Dylan asked if they were going by plane.  I replied no, that I think they were driving.  "Well Mommy, that's good then, because they would have to wait in a lot of lines.  Everybody doesn't like waiting in lines, but sometimes you have to and that's okay because that's life."

20 February 2016

Puerto Rico

En route to PR-toddies at the bar
As far as "vacations" go, this one went well.

Not everything went completely smooth, but it could have been, (and has been in the past), much worse. 

Let's see! Comparison countdown on this trip:

potty accidents:0

visits to the emergency room:0

full-blown temper tantrums in public:0

whining and complaining: too many incidents to count

But I can live with that.

Entertaining ourselves at dinner

Parque de las Palomas

This is a trip I was not looking forward to, because generally, Dyleva is so high maintenance, it is more exhausting than staying home.

However, this time, I must admit.  They were better behaved than their parents.  (Which only leaves us open to more adventurous endeavors in the future....)

I won't go into all the painful details of the unnecessary, inconsistent, tiresome, travel process, but believe me when I say it was a lot to ask of a 6 and a 4 year old.  (It was a lot to ask of an adult.) 

Entrance to the dungeon

I have always said, if our life is a yacht, I am the engineer, and Jeff is the Cruise Director.  He planned the entire trip.

It was divided into 3 parts. 

Part 1: Old San Juan
Culture, history, and exploration

Dyslexic graffiti artist

Part 2: Beach
Swimming and sun in a surfing town.

Part 3: Rainforest
El Yunque and all its marvels.

09 February 2016

Dylan's Love Airplane

My poor kids. 

Every year, I make them make their own "homemade valentines."  This year is the first year they haven't embraced it. 

Eva considered it a chore, and just wanted to hurry through them. 

Dylan, had the opposite problem.  He would spend an hour on one.  At one point, he had glued three pieces of paper together and started throwing it around the room. 

I looked at him, and said, "Dylan, you are supposed to be working on your valentines for your friends." 

Completely innocent, he said, "I am Mommy.  This one is for Lola, it is a love airplane."